Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Welcoming our Neighbor

Following Pope Benedict's encouragement, we are getting to know our Jewish and Islamic neighbors this Lent. Last night was the first of three sessions Rabbi Aryeh Azriel of Temple Israel will be with us. Then we will spend three weeks with Mr. Chaka Muhannad Benson as we learn about the Islamic community in Omaha and their beliefs.

Together we share the Abraham as a Father in faith. Rabbi Azriel spoke last night about Abraham and the lessons the Jewish community draws from knowing them.

He was very relaxed, even entertaining, as he talked and interacted. He said he loves reading anti-Semitic material because, even though there are only 15 million Jews in the world, the anti-Semitics write of how Jews control the banks and Hollywood and even President Obama. He said it is exciting to read of such power, but when he reads Jewish material it is much more depressing.

When asked, "Can anyone come to the synagogue and pray?" He answered, "No, you must have an Iranian passport." As the laughter died down he continued, "Of course anyone can come and pray with us. Like you we have most of our services on the weekend."

Monday will be the next session covering "Jewish Values and Ethics: What Does God Demand of Us?"

1 comment:

  1. Although I am not a parishioner at St Columbkille's,(I'm at SSM), it was a great pleasure and gift for me to hear week #2 of Rabbi Azreal's talks. He was funny, informative, thoroughly engaging and came across as a simple, kind and decent man. I've been given a greater understanding of Judaism, and am hopeful that out of this understanding, will grow a deeper love and respect for our Jewish brothers and sisters.


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