Friday, October 21, 2011

Fr Vogel's book about the Mass

Upon being ordained a transition deacon, then Deacon Vogel spent 53 Wednesdays sending an email to friends and family doing catechesis so they would understand what was happening at the Mass for his ordination. Not everyone he was mailing was Catholic nor even Christian, but they were people he wanted at his ordination and he hoped they would at least understand this better. Because the changes in the New Roman Missal were already forthcoming, he incorporated some of that into his messages as well.

At the end of the year he self published the book primarily for himself. Upon hearing that he wrote this, Fr. Vogel seemed surprised by the reaction of people who want to buy it. So he is making copies of this available in the Parish Office for $12.95 a copy. We hope to arrange a book signing party for this as well. He is donating the proceeds from this to the parish's forthcoming Source and Summit campaign to update our worship space.

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