Saturday, Archbishop Lucas came to consecrate our new altar and bless our ambo, tabernacle and chapel within a prayerful, 88 minute Mass.
In place of the Penetential Rite there was a sprinkling rite. Archbishop Lucas prayed:
Brothers and sisters in Christ, this is a day of rejoicing: we have come together to dedicate this altar by offering the sacrifice of Christ.
May we respond to these holy rites, receive God’s word with faith, share at the Lord’s table with joy, and raise our hearts in hope.
Gathered around this one altar we draw nearer to Christ, the living stone, in whom we become God’s holy temple.
But first let us ask God to bless this gift of water. As it is sprinkled upon us and upon this altar, may it be a sign of our repentance and a reminder of our baptism.
All pray in silence for a brief period.
God of mercy, you call every creature to the light of life, and surround us with such great love that when we stray you continually lead us back to Christ our head.
For you have established an inheritance of such mercy, that those sinners, who pass through water made sacred, die with Christ to rise restored as members of his body and heirs of his eternal covenant.
Bless + this water; sanctify it.
As it is sprinkled upon us and upon this altar make it a sign of the saving waters of baptism, by which we become one in Christ, the temple of your Spirit.
May all here today, and all those in days to come, who will celebrate your mysteries on this altar, be united at last in the holy city of your peace.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
ALL: Amen.
You can hear the Archbishop's homily
After the homily, Archbishop Lucas prayed:
Father, we praise you and give you thanks, for you have established the sacrament of true worship by bringing to perfection in Christ the mystery of the one true altar prefigured in those many altars of old.
Noah, the second father of the human race, once the waters fell and the mountains peaked again, built an altar in your name. You, Lord, were appeased by his fragrant offering and your rainbow bore witness to a covenant refounded in love.
Abraham, our father in faith, wholeheartedly accepted your word and constructed an altar on which to slay Isaac, his only son. But you, Lord, stayed his hand and provided a ram for his offering.
Moses, mediator of the old law, built an altar on which was cast the blood of a lamb: so prefiguring the altar of the cross.
All this Christ has fulfilled in the paschal mystery: as priest and victim he freely mounted the tree of the cross
and gave himself to you, Father, as the one perfect oblation.
In his sacrifice, the new covenant is sealed, in his blood sin is engulfed. Lord, we therefore stand before you in prayer.
Bless this altar built in the house of the Church, that it may ever be reserved for the sacrifice of Christ, and stand for ever as the Lord’s table, where your people will find nourishment and strength.
Make this altar a sign of Christ from whose pierced side flowed blood and water, which ushered in the sacraments of the Church.
Make it a table of joy, where the friends of Christ may hasten to cast upon you their burdens and cares and take up their journey restored.
Make it a place of communion and peace, so that those who share the body and blood or your Son may be filled with his Spirit and grow in your life and love.
Make it a source of unity and friendship, where your people may gather as one to share your spirit of mutual love.
Make it the center of our praise and thanksgiving until we arrive at the eternal tabernacle, where, together with Christ, high priest and living altar, we will offer you an everlasting sacrifice of praise.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Before the altar Archbishop Lucas prayed:
We now anoint this altar. May God in his power make it holy, a visible sign of the mystery of Christ, who offered himself for the life of the world.
In silence, Archbishop Lucas poured oil in the center of the altar, then in all four corners before rubbing it in.
Before incensing the altar, Archbishop Lucas prayed:
Lord, may our prayer ascend as incense in your sight. As this building is filled with fragrance so may your Church fill the world with the fragrance of Christ.
Then some of our sacristans wiped the altar clean ...
... and it was covered with cloth.
Then, handing a lit candle to the deacon, Archbishop Lucas prayed:
Light of Christ, shine on this altar and be reflected by those who share at this table.
Then we were ready for Mass.
Thank you Archbishop!