Friday, September 8, 2017

Learning about the Theology of the Body

Have you ever wondered...What is the meaning and purpose of your life? What does it mean to be human? How do I find real fulfillment and genuine happiness? 

From September 1979 over the course of five years, Saint Pope John Paul II gave a series of speeches that have come to be known collectively as the Theology of the Body. In a profound and coherent way he demonstrated to the world that the above questions can be answered by a proper understanding of the human person and that understanding can be obtained through evaluating the human body in light of Sacred Scripture.
Whether you are married or single, 
your body will make visible to you the answer to the above questions. 

Mondays September 11th to December 18th    
7 p.m. Steinhausen Center
(We'll take off on the Monday of the Parish Mission and before Thanksgiving)

We will begin videos on the Theology of the Body with Christopher West for adults running for 15 weeks.  The TOTB program will begin with a prayer and brief introduction to the evening's video (about 10 min) followed by a 30-35 minute video.  The video will be followed by a short break with refreshments and then we will pose a series of questions for each table to briefly discuss. This discussion will be followed by a fostered Q and A surrounding those discussed questions.  We'll close with a prayer and give a real quick intro (1 min or less) on the following week's topic. Weekly topics are as follows:

Journey Into the Heart
Session 1:  A Vision of Hope for the Heart
Session 2: "Nuptial Union": A Call to Deep Intimacy with God

Christ Appeals to the Beginning
Session 3: The Body: A Witness to Love
Session 4: The Body: Sign of God's Mystery

Christ Appeals to the Human Heart
Session 5: The Heart: A Battlefield Between Love and Lust
Session 6: The Dimensions of Lust in the Heart
Session 7: The Law and the Heart
Session 8: Blessed Are the Pure of Heart

Christ Appeals to the Resurrection
Session 9: The Ultimate Fulfillment of the Body
Session 10: Celibacy and Sexuality

The Grace of the Sacrament
Session 11: The "Great Mystery" of Marriage
Session 12: Spousal and Redemptive Love

The Sign of the Sacrament
Session 13: The Language of the Body
Session 14: Singing the Song of the Body

The Law of Life is Our inheritance
Session 15: The Teaching of Humanae Vitae
Session 16: Outline of Marital Spirituality

Registration is not required. Light snacks and drinks will be provided. Student workbooks can be ordered at a cost of $15. Please contact Joe or Kristen at if you desire a workbook.

What is the Theology of the Body?

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