Saturday, March 19, 2016

Understanding the Mass

At our Parish Mission Monday evening, Dr. Edward Sri presented A Biblical Walk through the Mass: Understanding what we Say and Do in the Liturgy. It was based on his book. The clip above is just a portion of what he discussed.

If you want to gain a better understanding of the Mass, the last session of Altaration is Monday, March 21 at 9 a.m. or 7 p.m. in the Steinhausen Center.On April 4th there will be a tour of all the space in the church. On April 11th we will meet in the Steinhausen Center to study the scritpural roots of the Mass.

After Dr. Sri's session Monday night, Fr. Vogel told some parishioners, "Now you know just a smidgen of why I'm a priest and why it's so awesome."

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