Thursday, December 6, 2012

Telling Others About God

How do we tell others about God?

When you think of evangelization, you might think of someone at your door with a Bible in hand, a preacher on television, or a stranger on a soap box. And you might conclude that you are not meant to evangelize.

Well, here's some good news: God probably is not asking you to go that far out of your comfort zone. Evangelization is more basic than that. For the most part, it's simply living your faith.

You will be challenged, of course. We are called to radiate Christ with our lives. Are you up for the task? Pope Benedict XVI offers us help in one of his Wednesday audience messages, part of his instruction during the Year of Faith.

First of all, the pope says that when we speak about God we are "communicating the Christian faith as a response to the deepest longings of the human heart."

Everyone needs the message we bear: God's love, hope, healing, forgiveness, truth, joy and beauty.

"It means bearing quiet and humble witness each day to the core of the Gospel message," Pope Benedict said.

Our Teacher shows us the way, the Holy Father said. "Jesus gave us an example: by His loving concern for people's questions, struggles and needs, He led them to the Father."

Putting our faith in action begins in our families and naturally branches out to others.

"In the task of bringing God to our contemporaries, families play a privileged role, for in them the life of faith is lived daily in joy, dialogue, forgiveness and love. The God of Jesus Christ has revealed our grandeur as persons redeemed by love and called, in the Church, to renew the city of man, so that it can become the city of God."
Your mission for this Advent, for this Year of Faith, for you entire life: Go and make disciples!

Inspired by this Year of Faith we will be posting columns like this about exporing and/or deepening our faith. Watch for it on Thursdays.

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