Friday, October 5, 2012

Deacon John Norman

Yesterday morning, as things get ready to go in St. Peter's, one of our own parishioners, John Norman, was among the deacon-candidates enter into a prayerful state. Yesterday John was ordained a deacon in Rome where he has been in seminary at the North American Pontifical College.

Wednesday night John and his family were at a vigil where the entire college is asked for the special intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, to speak to her Son on the behalf of the deacon candidates for their lives to be filled with all of the graces they will need to serve the Church and Her people.

 Thursday morning it was time to get ready.

During the ordination Mass, the candidates lie prostrate on the floor as the Litany of Saints is sung asking for the intercession of those saints for the men about to be ordained.

 Above are the stoles and dalmatics waiting
 to be worm by the new deacons.

 Above is one of the first pictures of the
 newly ordained Deacon John Norman.

The nearly three-hour ceremony at the St. Peter Basilica’s Altar of the Chair was presided over by Archbishop John F. Myers of Newark. The ordinations coincided with the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, who was ordained deacon but never a priest. Here is a picture of the 33 newly ordained deacons.

Congratulations John!

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