Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

There are several distinct aspects to the prayers today. One such focus is found in the prayer after Communion. Here the gift of Communion is our reason for praise and thanksgiving. A second focus is found in the other texts, and that is the worship of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The opening prayer speaks of the memorial of the sacrifice and our worship of the sacrament. The alternative opening prayer brings the notion of covenant to the fore, using the term "solemn pledge" in place of the biblical term. Finally the fruits of Communion are given special attention in the prayer over the gifts and the prayer after Communion. This multivalent aspect of the celebration is instructive.

In our worship of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament it is crucial that we keep all the aspects of both that presence and that covenant in our minds and hearts. We need to see how wonderful the mystery is in all its many facets.
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1 comment:

  1. To learn more regarding the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, visit the parish web site and listen to the homilies for June 6th, 2010.

    Thirty minutes toward a better education of the celebration of bread and wine as signs of God's covenant and of priesthood and remembrance


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