Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fetal Hand Grasp

Photographer Michael Clancy took the picture above on Aug. 19, 1999 and was printed by USA Today on Sept. 7, 1999. Michael Clancy recounts that “… in the hushed but crowded operating room where outsiders have gathered to watch a rare medical event - spinal surgery on a child still in his mother’s womb - a stool falls with a loud bang. ‘Shh’, says, Joseph Bruner, the surgeon leading the operation. “You’ll wake the baby.”

At the age of 21 weeks Samual Armas was the baby grasping the hand of a surgeon who was performing surgery upon him at the age of 21 weeks to correct spina bifida.

Fox News caught up with Samuel in Georgia last year when he was 9. Samuel says he proud of the photo and is quoted saying, "A lot of babies would've lost their lives if that didn't happen."

Samuel will wear lower leg braces for the rest of his life as a result of spina bifida, which occurs when the spine fails to close properly during early pregnancy. He'll also use a wheelchair during long trips. His mother says Samuel "walks great."

Samuel is a decorated Cub Scout loves to swim, competing in swim team. He loves science and animals, especially orcas, bald eagles and tigers. He's also a bug collector.

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