This has been a week of learning about God at the Crocodile Dock.

We have two themes for the week.
One focuses on being fearless because…
God is with us,
God is powerful,
God does what He says He’ll do,
God gives us life, and
God Cares for us.

Our other theme is light.
The light of Christ shines through us when we love and serve others. All week, kids are asked to watch for ways they see God active in their lives each day. We call these “God Sightings.” A God Sighting might be a hug, a butterfly, acts of service or letting someone go first in line.

Monday’s Bible Verse: God Said, “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12)
Bible Story: God speaks to Moses in a burning bush. Exodus 3:1-4:17 God gave Moses a hard job to do. Even though it was a hard job, God knew Moses could do it because God was with him!
Tuesday’s Bible Verse: “By this (God’s Power) you will know that I am the Lord.” (Exodus 7:17)
Bible Story: Plagues (or troubles) came upon the Egyptians, but God’s power kept His people (the Israelites) safe.

Wednesday’s Bible Verse: “The Lord will keep His promises.” (Psalm 145:13b)
Bible Story: God gave Pharaoh many chances to let His people go. But Pharaoh didn’t believe that God was the Lord. God kept his People safe in their homes.

Thursday’s Bible Verse: “Do not be afraid!...for He has risen from death as He said He would.” (Matthew 28:5-6)
Bible Story: Jesus died on a cross and rose to new life.
Friday’s Bible Verse: “Do not be afraid, stand still and see the Lord save you today.” (Exodus 14:13)
Bible Story: God helped His people by parting the Red Sea so they could walk across on dry land.
Everything wraps up today with a Bible Story, Music & Lights, Mass and a Meal!
Thank you to everyone who came and were a part of the week
or brought your kids, or were part of the activities or planning in any way!