Thursday, June 1, 2017

Feast Day of St. Columbkille - June 9th

Columbkille was a man of outstanding gentleness and empathy. He was a kindly individual with a practical concern for people. He helped the unfortunate: interesting himself in the plight of a hostage; rehabilitating a reformed robber; curing a nun with a broken hip; assisting a woman in the pangs of child-birth with his prayers; providing destitute men with means of feeding themselves; and even at his death approached comforting others rather than seeking to be comforted. He had a profound sense of the worth of human beings and of the contribution they were making to society.

Above all,Columbkille was a man of prayer. Coming from a princely background with a commanding and practical personality he was bound to make an impact on his generation. His real greatness was that he was able to combine the advantages given him by temperament and birth with the ambition of sainthood.

We will celebrate the Feast of St. Columbkille on Friday, June 9th.  Please join us at either the 6:20 a.m. or 8:15 a.m. masses to celebrate our parish's patron saint.

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