Sunday, June 5, 2016

Travels of the Boat People

It was the first day of school in India, though just a half day. These school girls are waiting to be picked up in the rain.It's all part of the trip Fr. Dave and Dcn Vand Berg are taking to "minister to the boat people." (AKA those on a cruise ship.)

Fr. Dave thought he might get a job as a taxi driver.

Fr. Dave and Dcn Vand Berg found chair to relax in.

They also made a friend.

Here is where they have Mass:

1 comment:

  1. I presume I got the attention of some of you with the photo of Deacon Eric Vande Berg and
    myself at the slot machines which was posted on our parish blog. And now as Paul Harvey
    would say, "the rest of the story". In Laughlin Nevada there is a Mass
    celebrated each week in one of the casinos. Perhaps unusual but it seems good to go where
    the people are. On the Cruise Ship we celebrate Mass at whatever venue we are given. On
    this Ship we are in a bar with slot machines. It may be an unusual location but it works
    well. At our daily Masses we have an International group of Catholics with EMHCs,
    Lectors, ministers of hospitality and a choir that represents people from up to 90
    Nations. A recent graduate from a Protestant Seminary who will serve a Church in
    Singapore has even joined us most days. We had just 25 people at our first Mass and
    nearly 200 at the latest one! It feels like Pentecost when Catholics from all over the
    world come together to celebrate the Eucharist! It is exciting to know the Church is
    alive and well even on the high seas! While I am having a fine time it is also rewarding
    to celebrate reconciliation, counsel, anoint the sea sick and even welcome some folks
    back to Mass who have not been for a while. Like Christmas and Easter Catholics I am
    always hopeful that some who re-connect at Mass will start to make it a habit!
    Fr. Dave


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