Thursday, January 22, 2015

Searching? Come & See

“What are you looking for?”
- John 1:38

I noticed something peculiar recently -- four people, including two police officers, looking out into a grassy field, apparently looking for something.

I'd been driving with my daughter, Mary, at the time, taking her to class at the nearby community college.

"Dear Lord," I prayed out loud, "help them to find whatever they're searching for."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized what a loaded prayer that was. It seems we're all looking for something, even if we don't know what it is we're searching for.

I thought back to last Sunday's Gospel reading, in which Jesus asked his first disciples: "What are you looking for?"

As I drove I especially thought of young people like Mary and my son John, also college-age, who was fresh on my mind because he'd just sent me a text message about doing some laundry at our house. So I included those two in a particular way in my prayer, that they might find whatever they're looking for, in their deepest hearts, as long as it leads to God.

Of course, ultimately what each of us is looking for is God. The two disciples in Sunday's Gospel responded to Jesus by asking "where are you staying?"

He replied: "Come, and you will see."

Shortly after dropping off Mary at school, I took a wrong turn and briefly got off course. Ironically, I began searching, too -- for my way home again.

So I included myself in my prayers, that all of us pilgrims on earth will find our Way: Jesus, the sure, direct route home to the Father.

Later, when John was home doing laundry, he told me about Twitter reports of a coyote being spotted in the field near the college. Perhaps that's what the police officers had been looking for.

I don't know if anyone ever found the coyote, but I'll continue my prayers -- for all of us as we search.

Inspired by the Year of Faith, Susan Szalewski began writing weekly columns for us. Although that year is over, we liked them so well that we asked her to keep writing. Thankfully, she said yes. So watch for these on Thursdays and see the Year of Faith Blog here.

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